Chain of Command Boards

Call for Price

Please fill in the following sections so that we have an idea of what you are looking for in a display. Each section will have a brief description of the options available. When complete, simply click the submit button, or print the information from your browser and fax it to us so that we can provide you with scaled layouts showing you what your board could look like along with an estimate of cost.

All layouts and estimates are done with no cost or obligation to you. Your contact information is kept confidential at all times- we hate junk e mail and Spam too!!

Enter your order details:


The following woods are available to build your display. If a black Cherry finish is desired- the woods best suited for that finish are Poplar or Alder.










The following optional stains are available for coloration of your wood type. Stains are typically used for Oak, Poplar, and Alder woods to achieve darker coloration.

Rectangular (Horizontal Layout)

Rectangular (Vertical Layout)


Radius (Arched Top)

Tombstone (radius top tapered sides)

Radius Cut Top and Bottom


Boards can be cut into various shapes. If you have a particular shape you prefer, please let us know. If you do not, click "no preference" in the drop down menu and we will use a standard rectangular shape.


There are 2 basic types of frames offered. (acrylic or solid wood) Acrylic frames display 100% of the photo with no border. They can be installed permanently to the board with or without a spacer block. A spacer block raises the photo frame off the board 1/4" to provide a variation in layout. If the spacer is not desired, the frame is installed flat on the board. Solid wood frames are made from the same solid wood material as the board. They utilize a magnetic installation that allows you to remove/install the frame easily.



Engraving is performed at our customer's request for all boards. Pricing for engraved tags is a flat rate based on the size of the tag. The number of letters makes no difference in cost- so we always encourage our customers to spell things out i.e. COMMANDING OFFICER vs. CO.


Tags can be omitted so that you can do them yourself, or we can provide blank tags that you can engrave locally. Tags are installed with small brass screws for semi-perm installation, adhesive for permanent installation, or in aluminum holders that allow you to remove the tag by sliding it out.


Tags are available in silver or gold material with standard white or black lettering. Other materials/color combinations are available upon request.


Lettering on the board is available in various materials. If you desire a particular material not shown on the drop down list- please click "other" and provide us with the material desired in the "notes" section at the bottom of the form.


Please let us know if you would like to include any artwork or images on your display. Include the description of the art desired below.


Boards are available with a matching wood folding "H" frame stand for free standing display. Boards are also available with three styles of wall mount installation... Pre drilled holes with matching wood plugs, pre drilled holes under magnetically installed photos, or tongue and groove installation rails. These rails are attached to the back of the board and come with another set of rails that you attach to your wall. The board is hung by placing it on the wall above the rails and letting it drop down on to the rails that are attached to the wall.

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